Sunday Worship Services are livestreamed at 10:00 AM on our Facebook page and shown on our website homepage that day.  Communion is a part of our services.  If you would like to receive communion elements to participate with us, please email us [email protected] or call the office at 717-533-2467 and leave a message.

View our live streamed services on our Facebook page or under Watch Services.


Phone: 717.533.2467

Church: 206 Cocoa Ave.
Office: 212 Cocoa Ave.
Hershey, PA  17033

[email protected]

August 2023 – “Trinity Topics”

Hello Everyone! Hope each of you are having a wonderful Summer!

Attached is this upcoming month’s Trinity Topics for August, 2023! You can access it by clicking the link below:

08.23 Trinity Topics–FINAL

Newsletter articles for September are due August 15th. 

Peace be with you!