Sunday Worship Services are livestreamed at 10:00 AM on our Facebook page and shown on our website homepage that day. Communion is a part of our services. If you would like to receive communion elements to participate with us, please email us [email protected] or call the office at 717-533-2467 and leave a message.
View our live streamed services on our Facebook page or under Watch Services.
Phone: 717.533.2467
Church: 206 Cocoa Ave.
Office: 212 Cocoa Ave.
Hershey, PA 17033
Worship and Music
The Worship & Music Committee assists the pastoral staff in planning vibrant worship services and supports the worship life of the congregation by overseeing the music ministry, acolytes, altar guild, and ushers. “Through liturgy and song the people of God participate in the mission of God in Christ, here God comes with good news to save. And through liturgy and song, God nourishes us for that mission and goes with us to bear the creative and redeeming word of God, Jesus Christ, to the world.” ELW
Music Ministry - Provides opportunities for people of all ages to share their musical gifts in the worship life of the congregation. New members are always welcomed with joy and thanksgiving!
The choir rehearses on Sunday morning at 9:00 am. September through May. We rehearse music for the day and upcoming weeks. Our schedule is flexible for those who cannot make it each Sunday or for those who prefer to sit with your families during worship but would like to participate in singing during the service. All voice parts are welcome.
Instrumentalists are invited to offer their gifts throughout the church year.
For additional information or to join, contact Director of Music Ministries, Alan Hair or the church office
Acolytes - Light candles prior to service, assist with offering, communion, baptisms, extinguish candles, act as banner bearers and crucifer. Youth in grade 3 and older are welcome to participate as an acolyte.
Altar Guild - Cares for the chancel area, altar flowers, candles, linens, communion components.
Ushers - Greet congregation prior to each service, distribute bulletins, assist in collecting the offering and administering communion.
For additional information or to join, contact the church office
The Worship & Music Committee assists the pastoral staff in planning vibrant worship services and supports the worship life of the congregation by overseeing the music ministry, acolytes, altar guild, and ushers. “Through liturgy and song the people of God participate in the mission of God in Christ, here God comes with good news to save. And through liturgy and song, God nourishes us for that mission and goes with us to bear the creative and redeeming word of God, Jesus Christ, to the world.” ELW
Music Ministry - Provides opportunities for people of all ages to share their musical gifts in the worship life of the congregation. New members are always welcomed with joy and thanksgiving!
The choir rehearses on Sunday morning at 9:00 am. September through May. We rehearse music for the day and upcoming weeks. Our schedule is flexible for those who cannot make it each Sunday or for those who prefer to sit with your families during worship but would like to participate in singing during the service. All voice parts are welcome.
Instrumentalists are invited to offer their gifts throughout the church year.
For additional information or to join, contact Director of Music Ministries, Alan Hair or the church office
Acolytes - Light candles prior to service, assist with offering, communion, baptisms, extinguish candles, act as banner bearers and crucifer. Youth in grade 3 and older are welcome to participate as an acolyte.
Altar Guild - Cares for the chancel area, altar flowers, candles, linens, communion components.
Ushers - Greet congregation prior to each service, distribute bulletins, assist in collecting the offering and administering communion.
For additional information or to join, contact the church office