Sunday Worship Services are livestreamed at 10:00 AM on our Facebook page and shown on our website homepage that day.  Communion is a part of our services.  If you would like to receive communion elements to participate with us, please email us [email protected] or call the office at 717-533-2467 and leave a message.

View our live streamed services on our Facebook page or under Watch Services.


Phone: 717.533.2467

Church: 206 Cocoa Ave.
Office: 212 Cocoa Ave.
Hershey, PA  17033

[email protected]

Faith Formation

Faith Formation is a vital part of our faith journey.  At Holy Trinity, there are numerous ways to expand your spiritual knowledge.  For more information, contact the church office.  We hope you will consider joining us as we seek to grow in faith and discern God’s will together.

Sunday School options:

·         Pre-school through Grade 5 use the Godly Play curriculum. The children learn abut God through a welcoming, engaging and creative environment. They will learn the stories of the Bible, the language of the church, and how to love themselves and others through story and play.

·         Grades 5-9 are studying the different parts of the Lutheran catechism: The Ten Commandments, Baptism, Creeds and Prayer.

·         Adult Discussion covers various topics with a Biblical focus.