Secure Online Giving

Your offering to support our ministries begins here with some general information:

  • When you click on the “Give Now” button above, it will take you to our giving home page.
  • On the home page you
    • can set-up a profile or sign in if you have an existing account.
    • choose to give to one or several funds. The funds listed are the most frequently supported funds.
      • If you are interested in giving to one of the monthly “special appeals” you will need to use the envelope in the monthly offering envelope packets, rather than online, or indicate on an offering envelope.
    • you have the choice to make a one-time offering or set-up recurring offerings through the “frequency” option.
    • payments methods can be set-up to use a deduction from a checking account or to use a credit card. You have the option to offset the related transaction fees.
    • see your giving by going to the “history”

Thank you for supporting God’s work at and through Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

Our secure Online Giving page is supported by Vanco.  For information about the company, go to [https:///].

For “Planned Giving” opportunities, please use links to Endowment Fund Policy and Gift Acceptance Policy.